Libréa Revista
Aici, acum, învățăm din nou să fim libere
colaborare la ilustrații cu Madalina Andronic pentru Libréa
Behind the scenes of Librea I Women Entrepreneurs
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Boss Mom Chronicles: How to Run a Business and ...
Being a boss mom isn't easy, but it's a journey worth taking. But how? Find out in this article!
Boss Mom Chronicles: How to Run a Business and ...
Being a boss mom isn't easy, but it's a journey worth taking. But how? Find out in this article!
Girl Talk: talk with Ștefana Teodoroiu
Meet Stefana Teodoroiu. We talk about nature, social media, sustainability and stopping comparing ourselves.
Girl Talk: talk with Ștefana Teodoroiu
Meet Stefana Teodoroiu. We talk about nature, social media, sustainability and stopping comparing ourselves.
Confessions of a woman and a mother entrepreneur
One of the 2 founders of Libréa takes the microphone, in the RFI Romania studio in Bucharest, to tell you about a life as a woman and entrepreneurial mother!
Confessions of a woman and a mother entrepreneur
One of the 2 founders of Libréa takes the microphone, in the RFI Romania studio in Bucharest, to tell you about a life as a woman and entrepreneurial mother!
The Road to Zero Waste
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Menstruation Hiking: Conquer the Mountains, No ...
For every adventurous woman out there, don't let your monthly visit stop you from exploring the wonders of nature! Master mountain hiking during your period! From eco-friendly disposal tips to...
Menstruation Hiking: Conquer the Mountains, No ...
For every adventurous woman out there, don't let your monthly visit stop you from exploring the wonders of nature! Master mountain hiking during your period! From eco-friendly disposal tips to...
The Road to Zero Waste: Why Comfort Shouldn't b...
Changing habits is the hardest of all. Find out how to balance sustainability and comfort.
1 commentThe Road to Zero Waste: Why Comfort Shouldn't b...
Changing habits is the hardest of all. Find out how to balance sustainability and comfort.
1 comment -
Eco-Friendly Daily Care Routine for modern Women
Discover how you could adopt an eco-friendly daily care routine to contribute to a more sustainable future.
Eco-Friendly Daily Care Routine for modern Women
Discover how you could adopt an eco-friendly daily care routine to contribute to a more sustainable future.
For teenagers and their mothers
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Prima menstruație, băieții și școala
Menstruația este un proces natural, dar fiica ta are nevoie ca tu să îi vorbești și să o ajuți să înțeleagă schimbările prin care trece corpul ei.
Prima menstruație, băieții și școala
Menstruația este un proces natural, dar fiica ta are nevoie ca tu să îi vorbești și să o ajuți să înțeleagă schimbările prin care trece corpul ei.
Initiating the discussion: Talking to your daug...
Why and how will menstrual panties become your family's allies? Find guidance for starting the first conversation about menstruation, including age-appropriate information and practical advice. Create a safe environment for...
3 commentsInitiating the discussion: Talking to your daug...
Why and how will menstrual panties become your family's allies? Find guidance for starting the first conversation about menstruation, including age-appropriate information and practical advice. Create a safe environment for...
My daughter started her period, anecdotes and i...
Are you a parent of a teenage girl? Have you had the good idea to buy menstrual panties and have questions about how to proceed? Then this article is for...
My daughter started her period, anecdotes and i...
Are you a parent of a teenage girl? Have you had the good idea to buy menstrual panties and have questions about how to proceed? Then this article is for...
Overcoming Incontinence: My Journey to Freedom
Discovering the perineum, challenges, re-education, routines and solutions to regain your confidence and well-being. I will tell you about my experience and my urinary losses, without any taboo.
Overcoming Incontinence: My Journey to Freedom
Discovering the perineum, challenges, re-education, routines and solutions to regain your confidence and well-being. I will tell you about my experience and my urinary losses, without any taboo.
Breaking the Taboo of Light Bladder Leakage | I...
Incontinence is a subject that many feel embarrassed to discuss. Discover why it shouldn't be a shame!
Breaking the Taboo of Light Bladder Leakage | I...
Incontinence is a subject that many feel embarrassed to discuss. Discover why it shouldn't be a shame!
The Secret Struggle of Incontinence During Preg...
Incontinence during pregnancy is very common, and you shouldn't feel ashamed! Why? More details here!
The Secret Struggle of Incontinence During Preg...
Incontinence during pregnancy is very common, and you shouldn't feel ashamed! Why? More details here!
Everything you need to know about menstruation
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5 mituri despre menstruație și sex
Sex și menstruație? Hai să vorbim deschis și să demontăm miturile care încă ne pun pe pauză. Adevărul e mult mai simplu decât pare.
5 mituri despre menstruație și sex
Sex și menstruație? Hai să vorbim deschis și să demontăm miturile care încă ne pun pe pauză. Adevărul e mult mai simplu decât pare.
E normal sau nu să ai dureri la menstruație
Durerile la menstruație sunt normale sau un semn de îngrijorare? Află ce cauzează aceste crampe, cum le poți gestiona eficient și când este cazul să consulți un medic.
E normal sau nu să ai dureri la menstruație
Durerile la menstruație sunt normale sau un semn de îngrijorare? Află ce cauzează aceste crampe, cum le poți gestiona eficient și când este cazul să consulți un medic.
Stresul poate să îți întârzie menstruația
Am atât de multe probleme, sunt atât de stresată. Fix de asta nu aveam nevoie acum: un ciclu care să întârzie, care să vină mai devreme sau care să dispară...
Stresul poate să îți întârzie menstruația
Am atât de multe probleme, sunt atât de stresată. Fix de asta nu aveam nevoie acum: un ciclu care să întârzie, care să vină mai devreme sau care să dispară...
Menstrual panties
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Where can I buy menstrual panties?
Although period panties are a relatively new topic for Romanian women, some have heard about them, and now they are wondering where to buy them. Find all the information here!
Where can I buy menstrual panties?
Although period panties are a relatively new topic for Romanian women, some have heard about them, and now they are wondering where to buy them. Find all the information here!
Which period panties for which flow?
Find out what your menstrual flow is and how much you weigh Libréa menstrual cups are right for you!
Which period panties for which flow?
Find out what your menstrual flow is and how much you weigh Libréa menstrual cups are right for you!
5 most frequently asked questions about menstru...
We answer the most common questions: Is there a risk of staining? Does bacteria develop if I wear them too much? Do they have a bad smell? Can they be...
5 most frequently asked questions about menstru...
We answer the most common questions: Is there a risk of staining? Does bacteria develop if I wear them too much? Do they have a bad smell? Can they be...