Overcoming Incontinence: My Journey to Freedom
Urinary incontinence is a problem that can affect many women, but it often remains a taboo and difficult topic to address. In this article, I will share my personal experience with incontinence after my first pregnancy and how it affected my daily life. I will also talk about the challenges I encountered and the solutions I found to overcome this unpleasant situation. My goal is to inspire and encourage other women to not lose hope and explore solutions that will allow them to regain their confidence and well-being while dealing with incontinence.
Discovery of the perineum
After my first pregnancy, I discovered the importance of the perineum, a muscle group that I didn't know about until then. If you don't know what it is, imagine a "floor", like a "spider web", that supports all your organs. I realized that if I want to avoid incontinence problems, I need to take care of these muscles as much as I take care of the skin on my face. It was a revelation that would change my life.
First experiences
Two months after giving birth, during a move where I had to carry heavy objects, I had my first real experience of incontinence. It was absolutely terrible, traumatic, but it opened my eyes to my new reality.
I love to run! I was doing this sport up to three times a week, until I started leaking urine every time I ran. I was hesitant to run because of this, and it became a limitation. I started talking around about this problem so that I could run with peace of mind again. A friend told me to start by contracting my perineum when I'm waiting at traffic lights in the car because it will help strengthen it. The good news: this simple gesture worked!
Neglect of urinary incontinence and its consequences
When I had my second child two and a half years apart, I thought I knew how to manage my incontinence. I was convinced that I would be able to overcome this situation easily because of my previous experiences. But unfortunately, with plenty of time to spare because I had too much on my mind, I stopped my perineum strengthening exercises. The urine leaks are back, even heavier.
I could no longer afford to neglect this problem. I consulted two specialists in perineal rehabilitation, a physiotherapist and a gynecologist.
I also followed a customized program several times a week for several months. I integrated specific exercises into my daily routine, which I still follow today, several years later!
And now, what are my routines?
My kids are 15 and 12, I celebrated my 50th birthday last week, and I've learned to live with incontinence. I feel good in my body and mind, able to write this article and talk openly about this topic!
Today, I try to continue exercises, such as Kegels, for example, at least 4 times a week. I've also tried alternatives like the geisha balls that a friend gave me (between pleasure and easy re-education, it's interesting ;-)
And most importantly, I know myself well. I know when incontinence can occur and that I can't control everything, so I prevent it! Before I run, I empty my bladder and use menstrual panties. When I travel, I have a reusable absorbent pad in my bag. I love to dance, so on the nights I know I'm going to dance, I get ready and wear high absorbency, even extra high, or incontinence panties (I use this product )!
A daily challenge, but one that can be defeated
My journey with incontinence has had its ups and downs, and I'm sure I will face more challenges in the future. I learned that this problem developed my resilience, and I understood the importance of taking care of my body. I understood that I should not neglect perineal re-education, even after pregnancy, and that it is crucial to ask for help when necessary.
If you have problems with incontinence, keep hope!
Don't be discouraged, there are solutions, either through re-education programs or protective products that can help you regain your freedom.
Remember you are not alone. You can read an article with recent statistics about the taboo around incontinence here .
By sharing our experiences, we can break the silence and find the strength to overcome this problem.
I wish you a nice day!