Eliminarea Tabuului Incontinenței | Viziunile Românilor

Breaking the Taboo of Light Bladder Leakage | Insights from Romanian Women


Incontinence is a topic that many people feel ashamed or embarrassed to discuss openly. Yet, it's a common problem that affects many, and there's no shame in admitting it. As a 36-year-old mother, I know this firsthand. I can't jump on a trampoline with my kids without experiencing light bladder leakage (LBL). But I've come to realize that it's not just mothers who experience LBL. It can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle. In this article, I'll be sharing the insights we've gathered from our recent survey of 317 Romanian respondents*, aged between 20 and 95 years old, to help break the taboo of LBL.

The Prevalence of LBL in Romania

Our survey revealed that over half (50.2%) of Romanian respondents have or have had incontinence, indicating a serious problem in the Romanian market. Interestingly, 23.9% of women who reported having incontinence experienced it after giving birth. This is a common trigger for LBL, as the muscles and tissues that support the bladder can become weakened during pregnancy and childbirth.

→ Learn more about incontinence and pregnancy

The Triggers of LBL

Physical exertion (54.7%) and laughter (40.9%) were the most common triggers for LBL reported by the survey respondents. This highlights the need to be aware of our bodies and to take precautions when we know we'll be engaging in physical activity or attending events that might trigger LBL.

The Severity of LBL

While incontinence can be a serious problem for some, our survey found that 84.2% of respondents only had light or moderate incontinence, which is where products like Libréa period panties for heavy flows come in. They're perfectly suitable for managing light or moderate LBL, allowing you to live your life without worrying about leaks.

The Daily Impact & Myths about LBL

Incontinence affects a significant portion of the population (39%) on a daily basis, with another 38.4% being occasionally affected. Despite being a common condition, LBL is still a taboo subject, and there are many myths and misconceptions, which can make people feel ashamed or afraid to seek help. Let's take a look at some of the most common myths and debunk them once and for all.

  • Myth #1: LBL is a sign of weakness. Fact: Light bladder leakage (LBL) is a condition where urine leaks out involuntarily due to pressure on the bladder. This pressure can be caused by laughing, sneezing, coughing, or even lifting something heavy. LBL is more common in women than men, and it's often associated with pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. However, LBL can also affect younger women and men, it's not a sign of weakness, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Myth #2: LBL can't be treated. Fact: If you're experiencing LBL, there are plenty of ways to manage it and live your life to the fullest. Here are some tips:
    • Kegel exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises can help to improve bladder control.
    • Products: There are many products available to help manage LBL, including absorbent underwear, menstrual cups, and incontinence pads.

The Use of Protection Products

Over half (52.2%) of those who reported incontinence had already bought protection products, with period pads being the most popular. But as we mentioned earlier, products like Libréa period panties for heavy flows are also effective and can provide more comfort and discretion than traditional pads.

Personal Experiences

I'm not the only one experiencing light bladder leakage. Many women have shared their personal experiences with me, like a sporty woman who has trouble running due to incontinence or a pregnant woman who wears Librea period panties to work due to allergies and sneezing. These stories highlight the importance of finding solutions that work for each individual's unique needs. It's time to break the stigma and offer support to women who are struggling with light bladder leakage.


In conclusion, our survey, confirmed by the testimonies we got talking to our community over the last 2 years, shows that LBL is a common problem in Romania, but one that can be managed effectively with the right products and mindset. We hope that by breaking the taboo of incontinence and discussing it openly, we can empower more people to seek help and live their lives without fear of embarrassment.

If you're experiencing LBL, don't be ashamed to seek out solutions like Libréa period panties for heavy flows. Click here to learn more about our products and how they can help you manage LBL. (lien vers la page produit)


*Survey made in Spring2023 online handled by students from the prestigious French EMLYON Business school.

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