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Initiating the discussion: Talking to your daughter about periods

When it comes to discussing menstruation, creating a comfortable and open environment for women and girls is very important. In this article, we will explore an innovative and eco-friendly solution: menstrual panties. Whether you're a 45-year-old mom or a teenager, here you can discover how this revolutionary underwear can transform your life and help you fight taboos. Join our safe space for practical advice and compassionate education.

The role of mothers in the onset of menstruation Mothers have an essential role in approaching the subject of "menstruation" with their daughters. Often the daughter turns to the mother with questions. And we, as parents, want them to do so. However, let's be honest, it's not an easy subject, and as adults, we shouldn't wait for our daughters to make the first move. Better they get the truth from us instead of relying on the internet, YouTube or their friends ;) If your daughter hasn't told you about her period, don't take it personally. She may want to extend her "little girl" status a little longer, where she feels protected. So let's take the lead and start the conversation!

In this article, we emphasize the importance of open dialogue between mothers and daughters and the importance of preparing girls for this significant change in their bodies during adolescence.

Is only the mother in charge of the period discussion?

The role of other family members: While the mother is traditionally seen as the main figure in discussing menstruation, other family members can also play an important role. Sisters, cousins, aunts and even close friends can provide a "safe space" where girls can seek answers and share experiences. It's important to allow girls to approach the person they feel most comfortable with, even if it's not their mother.

Educators, Health Professionals, and Family Planning: Educational institutions, health care providers, and family planning organizations are valuable resources for addressing menstruation-related questions. School programs and consultations with doctors or gynecologists can provide additional information and support. As a parent, don't hesitate to rely on the expertise of professionals to help you prepare for your daughter's first period.

Initiating the first conversation about periods: At what age should you start talking to your daughter about periods? It is recommended that you start the discussion as early as possible to help your daughter prepare for this significant change ahead of time.

How to approach the topic of menstruation according to age?

  • Before 6 years - At Libréa, we believe, based on our experience (Laurence has 2 teenagers and Anouk has 3 young children, co-founding Libréa in 2011), that children ask questions that they are able to understand the answer to. If no questions have arisen, it is absolutely not necessary to discuss this topic from a very young age. However, young children often accompany mothers to the toilet and may wonder why it is red or what is that white thing stuck to the panties? Here's a little story that you can adapt without having to invent anything, it's easy to tell at this age, for both boys and girls: "Baby, every mother has a little nest full of love forming in her belly them every month. If a baby comes, the little nest protects it and gives it everything it needs to grow. Even you had a little nest waiting here in your belly! When no baby comes, the little nest disappears and it turns into this red that you see. It doesn't hurt. And it happens every month."
  • Between 6 and 9 years old, depending on the child's maturity, we begin to give more detailed explanations and use more precise/scientific terms to name body parts. If they're old enough to understand, don't hesitate to explain the biology behind menstruation: "About every 28 days, one of the ovaries releases an egg, and it's what we call ovulation. At the same time, hormonal changes prepare the uterus for pregnancy. If ovulation occurs but the egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds and is expelled through the vagina with the egg as blood. This is the menstrual cycle."
  • Around the age of 9, if you haven't already, it's a good idea to spend some time having this conversation, explaining the female and reproductive cycle to your daughter. Nowadays, puberty can occur earlier and earlier, usually caused by our eating habits and environmental changes. You might be surprised to know that a girl can get her first period at age 9! It is also important to introduce them to menstrual hygiene products such as tampons, pads, menstrual panties, reusable pads, etc. We advise you to equip their school bag with a survival kit ( find out what we mean by that here ) and above all, don't forget to mention that you will always be there to help them when they go through this change!

During the conversations, do not forget about your boys, who also need to understand this important change in human life!

If it seems a little strange and you don't know what to tell them, here are the main things you can share with them:

  • Menstruation is a normal part of women's lives.
  • That's great news! It means that one day they will be able to create life.
  • Your first period will likely be light (maybe just a few drops of blood) and irregular, but eventually a monthly cycle will follow. On average, menstruation occurs every 28 days and lasts between two and seven days.
  • It's normal to experience some symptoms during your period, such as back pain, cramps, tenderness, headaches, fatigue, bloating, mood swings or food cravings.

Bringing up the topic of menstruation with your daughter in a simple way:

When discussing menstruation, it is helpful to share your personal experiences with your daughter. You can also share anecdotes from your friends' experiences to create a more personal and trustworthy conversation, instead of relying solely on theoretical knowledge. Providing practical advice can help normalize the experience and reduce the anxiety associated with it.

For many mothers, choosing the right menstrual product becomes a concern when their daughter starts her period. At Libréa, we have created a range of menstrual underwear specially designed for teenage girls . This natural, eco-friendly and comfortable solution can significantly improve the experience of girls during their first periods.

Say goodbye to the stress of constantly buying pads and enjoy the fact that your period can be managed as easily as any other time of the month. We sincerely hope that your daughter's first period goes smoothly, and we encourage you to seek support from various educational and health professionals if needed. The onset of menstruation is one of the many most beautiful moments you can share with your daughter.

We've also developed a swimsuit available in XS to help your daughter avoid tricky situations at the pool or sea when she's on her period. At this age, her only concern should be to have fun and enjoy life! Discover our menstrual swimsuit here!

Leave us a comment below with your opinion or experience to help other moms and families!

Have a nice day,


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Dragelor, felicitari! Anouk hai sa reluam conversatia si despre Firul Rosu.Avem o resursa extraordinatra in limba romana pentru fete de 13 + ani, agenda jurnal Firul Rosu care sustine fetele sa si traiasca armonios ciclul menstrual – merge minunat cu produsele eco pe care le promovam si noi!
Firul Rosu aici https://soriculuna.ro/product/firulrosu

link catre site Sori cu Luna https://soriculuna.ro/

Ina Curic

Dragelor, felicitari! Anouk hai sa reluam conversatia si despre Firul Rosu.Avem o resursa extraordinatra in limba romana pentru fete de 13 + ani, agenda jurnal Firul Rosu care sustine fetele sa si traiasca armonios ciclul menstrual – merge minunat cu produsele eco pe care le promovam si noi!
Firul Rosu aici https://soriculuna.ro/product/firulrosu

link catre site Sori cu Luna https://soriculuna.ro/

Ina Curic

Dragelor, felicitari! Anouk hai sa reluam conversatia si despre Firul Rosu.Avem o resursa extraordinatra in limba romana pentru fete de 13 + ani, agenda jurnal Firul Rosu care sustine fetele sa si traiasca armonios ciclul menstrual – merge minunat cu produsele eco pe care le promovam si noi!
Firul Rosu aici https://soriculuna.ro/product/firulrosu

link catre site Sori cu Luna https://soriculuna.ro/

Ina Curic

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