Mamă, nu vreau să merg la piscină. Despre tabuul menstruației și înot!

Mom, I don't want to go to the pool. About the taboo of menstruation and swimming!

One of the biggest challenges for many teenage girls is overcoming their shame and taboos around menstruation and swimming. It is important to give them support and information to overcome these obstacles and enjoy swimming freely and without worries.

To address this issue, start by having an open and honest discussion with your teen. Be sure to give her a safe space to express her questions and concerns about menstruation and swimming.

Another essential step is educating the teen about menstruation and how to properly manage it while swimming. You can use our resources, including this article and the other articles in the series, to give you useful information and practical advice: Swimming on your period? Yes! A solution to Enjoy Summer to the Maximum

Encourage her to develop a positive attitude towards her body and menstruation. Help her understand that menstruation is a natural process and shouldn't stop her from enjoying activities like swimming.

If your teen is worried about possible leaks while swimming, you can recommend that she use menstrual panties for the bathroom . It provides protection and confidence during menstruation and can thus prevent such unpleasant situations.

To learn more about the menstrual panty for the bathroom and how it can provide protection, you can access the dedicated product page on our website.

For additional information on how to help teenagers manage menstruation, we invite you to also consult our blog dedicated to this: For teenage girls and their mothers .

Bottom line, swimming while on your period shouldn't be a cause for shame or anxiety for your teen. With a little open communication, education and encouragement, you can help her feel confident and enjoy every moment she spends in the water.

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