5 lucruri pe care trebuie să le știi înainte de a cumpăra chiloți menstruali

5 things you need to know before buying period panties


Menstrual underwear can really change the way you feel about your period. They look and feel like normal underwear, but come with a layer that protects you from blood leakage, giving you the protection you need.

“And I'm only wearing these panties?” you may ask. And the answer is - YES!

But how exactly does it work?

In the article " Menstrual panties: how do they work? " we explain everything, from how they work from a technical point of view, to the maximum period during which you can wear them .


Even if, after reading this first article, the workings of period panties are no longer a mystery to you, you may still be a little skeptical about their reliability.

“I'd try period panties, but I'm afraid I'll stain. Plus, I really don't want to smell bad or feel wet, it would make me very insecure." – these are the most common fears that women have in relation to menstrual underwear.

And it is normal to have these fears, it is an innovative product that has just arrived in Romania, still little known by the general public.

However, are these fears real?

From the start we tell you NO.

And to clarify all this and reassure you about their effectiveness, I have answered for you to the 5 most frequently asked questions about menstrual panties, in another article on our blog:

  • Is there a risk of staining me?
  • Do menstrual panties smell bad?
  • Can menstrual underwear show through clothes?
  • Is there a risk of bacteria developing if I wear them too much?
  • Do they feel moist on the skin?

Now that the function and reliability of menstrual panties are no longer a mystery to you, let's explain how to take care of them.


Again, the subject of washing is often dreaded, but in reality, it's quite simple.

"I feel like washing them will be a disaster and I really don't think they will clean well enough..." is the belief that many have. But, this is totally wrong.

It deserves some explanation. And guess what, I've prepared a complete guide to explain in detail all the washing steps, and put an end to all preconceived notions. You will see that it is much easier than you think!

For this, read the article: " How to wash your menstrual panties: Complete guide "

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WASH MY MENSTRUAL PANTS? | Libreria Our wash bag nets are ideal for washing your period panties in the washing machine.


But wait, that's not all! Now that you understand a little better how these magic panties work, let's explain why it's revolutionizing the lives of thousands of women during menstruation while taking care of our dear Earth.

Indeed, menstrual panties are an ideal eco-friendly alternative to tampons and absorbent pads.

They are designed to be hygienic and safe so that you feel good during your period.

And beyond leakage, sustainability and cost savings criteria must be considered. Imagine if you didn't have to buy and throw away dozens of tampons or pads every month, which means a lot less mental work and more freedom!


Finally, there is one last little thing to clear up…

You know how it works menstrual panties, how to wash them, their countless advantages, but do you know how to choose them?

In the article " Which menstrual panties for which flow? " , we will help you figure out if you have a light, medium or heavy flow, so that you can choose the right panties for you and your needs.

So, are you ready to try our period panties? | Libreria So, are you ready to try our period panties?

Now you know everything!

If you have any other questions, visit the FAQ or send us an email!


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